Peter Zanella has very kindly alerted me to a series of Japanese vehicle and armour models being sold at the
Etsy website by
PlayMoreIT3D from Poland. The models are 3D printed in Polyurethane resin and the detail appears exquisite and crisp.
The models are available in several scales including 1/72 and 1/48. The range includes an Isuzu TX 40 Airfield Tractor (Dan Salamone kit bashed a wonderful example in 1/48 here to serve as inspiration), a Rikuo Type 97 motorcycle available with or without sidecar, a Komatsu G-40 tracked bulldozer, a Type 88 AA gun and the Japanese steamroller captured on Guadalcanal. These may be of interest to aircraft modellers planning dioramas or just as models in their own right. The reviews are very positive and the models come in sprue 'cages' requiring cutting out and minimal assembly.

Peter mentioned that he has built a 1/72-scale 3D printed kit of the M37 US light truck from this range and comments that once you learn how to properly remove the parts from the sprue cage, the kits are really not that bad. They are reasonably detailed, simplified kits much like the Trumpeter 1/72 tank kits but in his opinion the result is 'anything but shabby'. And he notes no need for primer, even with acrylics. Let's hope that more Japanese vehicles are added to the range in future.
With special thanks to Peter for the heads up about this range.
Since blogging about the range Kevin Bade has received some of the vehicles and reports on them as follows:- 'Amongst (those ordered and received) were the Rikuo 97 motorcycle with sidecar and the Guadalcanal airfield roller. Very nice surface texture, unlike some other 3D kits I've purchased where the surface resembles Zimmerit. Very nicely detailed and once you remove the printing runners very easy to assemble. I have bought quite a number of resin 3D vehicles and IMHO these are some of the best I've seen. The Chinese have a few companies making armor and these are really good too. Highly recommended. Btw Profimodeller makes a similar airfield (road) roller in 1/72 resin but I think the 3D printed one is the winner. Have already ordered some more of the Military Scales kits including the Komatsu tractor, etc.'
Quite the coincidence I found these the other day and ordered a few interesting items. I will gladly report on what they look like when I get them. And you can pick your favorite scale! This 3D printing is the future folks.
I really like that tug, I've seen one in a series of Ki-49 photos at Hamamatsu.
Looking forward to the review from Mr. Bade…if favorable I'll be ready to order in "One True Scale" 1/72 :)
Thanks to Peter, Nick and Kevin !
This is fantastic news! Now, if we could only get some decent ground crew figures to populate our airfield dioramas!
With the new Akagi carrier island kit coming soon, we're sorely in need of a LOT of 1/72nd scale IJN figures as well.
Beaver Corporation in Japan who are releasing the carrier deck, also have many sets of pilots and ground crew figures in 1/72 scale, both IJN and IJA. They are 3D printed in UV resin and somewhat similar to the Preiser plastic figures. Available from Hobby Link Japan (HLJ)
Love seeing Japanese vehicle models available for sale. And yes, that tractor looks familiar.... :)
Thanks Nick, but I've heard bad things about the Beaver Corporation figures and was warned to stay away from them. Hmmmmm.
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